
What’s Happening
Posted February 02, 2023
The Trout Lake Conservation Association (TLCA) has been participating in discussions on two major issues that could affect the residents of Trout Lake and the day users of Trout Lake. This is in addition to the regular duties that are outlined in our Charter.
These discussions are regarding:

  • The contamination of Trout Lake with PFOS (Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid). Legacy use of firefighting foam at the North Bay Airport has resulted in contamination of streams flowing from airport property. PFOS is reaching Trout Lake via Lees Creek and poses environmental and health risks. Fish bioaccumulation has resulted in fish consumption advisories. The TLCA is following the issue closely and is advocating for better communications to the public and cleanup of firefighting legacy sites.
  • Algonquin Land Claim – that affect residents on McPherson Drive and Centennial Crescent.

We are looking for 1000 members to provide a stronger voice for these issues.
Terms of Memberships to the TLCA are as follows:

  • $30/1 Year
  • $40/1 Year*
  • $125/5 Years
  • $175/5 Years*
  • $125/1 Year Business (free ad in 4 newsletters and featured on the website)

* includes correspondence by mail, calculated forward from the date you pay